Mobil workers looking at large piece of metal being smelted


Demanding operating conditions and production requirements in modern metal-processing equipment can often lead to maintenance issues, which can bring your operation to a grinding halt. Our experts are ready to support you so you can focus on increasing uptime and business profit.

Success stories and industry insights

Discover how Mobil™ lubrication solutions have helped customers achieve new heights in their steel processing and production plants.
External piping viewing factory

Synthetic grease helped reduce bearing failure by 83 percent and grease consumption by 92 percent

Mobilith SHC™ 1000 Special synthetic grease helps Turkish steel company reduce bearing failures and grease consumption bringing company-estimated annual savings of US $950 000

Mobil Centaur XHP™ 461 grease

Water-resistant grease helps a steel mill reduce grease consumption by 40%

After converting to Mobil Centaur™ XHP 461 grease, no bearing failures were detected and grease consumption decreased by 40% at Finnish steel mill

Steel Manufacturing plant close up

Synthetic grease helps steel maker capture substantial savings by extending thrust bearing life

Using Mobilith SHC 460 synthetic grease, the US company reported no lubrication-related failures of its thrust bearings with estimated annual savings of US $135 000

Explore related products and applications for your steel plant


Mobil DTE 20 Ultra Series

Mobil DTE™ 20 Ultra Series

HLP hydraulic oils for extended oil drain intervals & cut hydraulic oil costs. Reduced waste oil disposal improves environmental footprint.
Mobil Pyrotec HFC-U 46 & 68

Mobil Pyrotec™ HFD-U 46 & 68

High performance phosphate ester self-extinguishing fire resistant hydraulic fluid. Designed for use in turbine control systems.


Mobil SHC Gear Series

Mobil SHC™ Gear Series

Supreme gear oils designed to provide optimum equipment protection and oil life even under extreme conditions. Energy saving potential.
Mobilgear 660 XP Series

Mobilgear™ 600 XP Series

Mobilgear™ 600 XP industrial gear oils are formulated to stay ahead of gearbox technology needs by providing extra protection for gears, bearings and seals.

Circulating systems

Mobil Vacuoline 500 Series

Mobil Vacuoline™ 500 Series

Designed to meet the requirements of the Morgan's high speed No-Twist Rod Mills and the circulation oil requirements of Danielli rod mills
Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series

Mobil Vacuoline™ 100 Series

Circulation oil for the lubrication of plain bearings, operating with heavy water contamination. Suitable for use in Morgoil rolling mills.


Mobil Polyrex 461 EP

Mobil Polyrex™ 461 EP

Mobil Polyrex™461 EP is a shear-stable polyurea grease with excellent extreme-pressure (EP) and load-carrying characteristics. The proprietary polyurea thickener system exhibits excellent resistance to oxidation and oil separation at operating temperatures as high as 170°C
Mobil Centaur XHP 460 Series

Mobil Centaur XHP™ 460 Series

Multipurpose Calcium Sulphonate Complex Grease. The inherent EP properties exhibit great stability in the presence of water.